Square Dancing - Try it Today, Love it for Life
Tuesday nights

Mike started calling when he was 18. His first call was to an empty supper room because he was so nervous that he could not even look! It seems that the dancers enjoyed even that phantom call, because, with the help of Lee McFadyeon, he went on to develop his talents until he is now one of the best callers in Australia
Mike was born in Wales, which probably accounts for his superb voice and excellent timing. He came out to Australia when he was just a lad, and got dragged along to the square dance by his parents against his will. To his surprise he found he thoroughly enjoyed the experience and has been heavily involved in the activity ever since.
Mike has been invited to call in most states in Australia, as well as New Zealand and Japan. He is passionate about square dancing and was Convenor of the Australian National Square Dance Convention, held in Bendigo in Easter 2017. It was a fantastic, laid back convention that was enjoyed by all 650 people who attended.
In his spare time, Mike volunteers as a puppy-raiser for Guide Dogs Victoria. So far, his track record is excellent - Dee went to Japan to raise her puppies there; Olsen is a Guide Dog in NSW and Dorothy is an assistance dog in Phillip Island. Mike also takes people on tours of the Guide Dog campus in Kew and provides a voice over for their video.
Laurina has been dancing since she was 11 and at the age of 15 asked Mike if he would teach her to call. It wasn't a difficult decision for Mike, since Laurina has the voice of an angel. They meet every Wednesday evening and rehearse duets, discuss choreography and mull over what order to teach the learner dancers.
Laurina works as a Lifestyle Co-ordinator and enjoys going to see bands in her spare time.
Pat has been cueing Rounds since time began. She is a founder member of the VSDA and has done a lot of work over the years to promote Square and Round dancing. We are fortunate to have her cue for us.